The problem with serial killers

DISCLAIMER: I would like to state in advance that I in no way advocate actual murder.

BUT… think about this. More often than not, serial killers target innocent people. Obviously, this is a major problem for society. However, wouldn’t it be great if serial killers went after the scum of the universe? If you said no it’s probably because you are a serial killer yourself. Now, I understand that part of the thrill of murder for most is the helplessness of the victim. That’s been done. Others murder because they are rebelling or exacting revenge. Old newssisters Still, others murder simply because they are amoral. Well, that’s great, but since we are living in one of the most amoral times what better way to make a statement than to murder assholes? Now I got you thinking..

ClipartSo calling all axe murderers of the world.. next time you break in on a 90 year old woman making tea, instead go next door and perform a public service and get rid of the lying, cheating, embezzling, fraudulent, or otherwise useless and draining on society piece of

Published in: on August 2, 2009 at 4:28 AM  Leave a Comment  
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